Organized by Tokyo Broadcasting System Holdings, Inc. (TBS Japan), the “DigiCon6 ASIA Awards” is an annual prestigious digital content competition in Asia. It welcomes the participation of aspiring and talented creators throughout Asia and regional contests are organized in various Asian regions. The winners in each regional contest are eligible to further compete for the GRAND Awards.
Hong Kong Digital Entertainment Association (HKDEA) has been co-organizing the Hong Kong’s regional contest of the “DigiCon6 ASIA Awards” (DigiCon6 ASIA Awards – Hong Kong) for years, with a view to identifying and supporting the potential creative talent in Hong Kong by promoting and giving recognition to their creative digital contents. Over the years, a number of winners in Hong Kong’s regional contest have attained further recognition in the “DigiCon6 ASIA Awards” by winning various GRAND Awards in Japan.
The “DigiCon6 ASIA Awards” is an excellent platform for Hong Kong talent to get recognition for their creative excellence, to learn from their counterparts and the prestigious Asian masters and judges by networking and exchanging with the creative talent of other Asian regions.
Remarks: The winning entries of the above Awards will be nominated for further competing for the GRAND Awards of the "22nd DigiCon6 ASIA Awards". The winner of 22nd DigiCon6 ASIA Awards - Hong Kong Gold will also be invited to participate in the grand final award presentation to be held on 28th November 2020 in Japan.
# The Next Generation Award for DigiCon6 Hong Kong will be presented to an outstanding entrant aged of 25 or below and has a key role in the production of the winning digital content.